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What Is Post Engagement & How To Boost It

What is post engagement

Post engagement. It sounds like just another marketing buzzword. But do you know how it affects you?

What we mean is… What is post engagement for your brand? Why is post engagement important? If you’re not sure, keep reading because this blog post has all the answers. 

What is Post Engagement?

Post engagement is a combination of all forms of engagement on your social media. It is the number of times people like, comment, or share your posts.

Brands and businesses use different metrics and analytics to measure how their business is performing. Engagement is a super-metric that indicates what people think about a brand, which kind of content they prefer from a brand, and whether you achieve the aim of your content. 

It shows the value of your posts to your followers.

Here’s a simple way to think about post engagement: It’s all the actions your followers can take to show you how they feel about your post. 

Why is Post Engagement Important for Brands & Businesses? 

There are many reasons why people might be engaging with your account. Keeping track of post engagement is more important than simply checking how many likes a post gets. 

Post engagement tells you how many people your content is reaching. If your post engagement is low, you need to ask yourself why your audience is not connecting to your content. If you have great content, more people will like, share, comment, or click. This is how you can use post engagement to better understand what your followers prefer. Sidebar: use analytics

You can also learn more about your competition. Analyze your competitors’ social media strategies and presence. See which of their content gets more engagement and try to understand how they achieve that. Or, investigate why their low-engagement posts aren’t doing it for their audience. Use your discoveries to improve your own content strategy. 

Social media algorithms also use post engagement to organize your feed. Many factors contribute to what you see on your social media platforms. Post engagement is an important one! The Instagram algorithm prioritizes posts that get more likes, comments, shares, and views for videos. 

Engagement is also a factor in Facebook’s algorithm, deciding whether your posts appear on users’ timelines. If you regularly scroll past an account, their posts won’t appear as much anymore. But, if you engage often, Facebook will make sure you see more of that account’s stuff. 

Top 5 Tips To Boost Post Engagement On All Your Social Media Platforms

Find The Best Posting Times

Social media is all about understanding people. To get more people engaging with your content, they need to see it. That means they need to be checking out the social media platforms. If they’re sleeping or working, or busy, that’s not happening. 

Figure out when people are using their social media and schedule your posts for that time. Read up on the best posting times. Experiment with your own posts to see when your posts get the most interaction. 

Posting when users are most active amps up the opportunity for engagement. Use a handy social media scheduling tool like Preppr to make sure you optimize this benefit!

Have A Call To Action

Nobody likes being told what to do. “Tag your friends” and “Leave a comment” can be forceful and off-putting. Avoid the obvious (and a little unimaginative) commands to engage. 

Rather, play with subtlety. Give your followers a call to action that encourages authentic engagement. For example, “What do you think of our latest product?” Include a link to the website or a directive to look at more content (ie: Link In Bio).

You want your followers to engage, yes… but you need to play it cool. You can prompt comments and responses without coming off like a social media bot. 

Stay Content Smart

Put a little bit of thought into your chosen content. Specific kinds of content generate more engagement. On Facebook, people lean towards visuals. So, post more videos and photos. On Instagram, multi-slide feed posts have a high engagement rate

Captions are content too! A good motivational quote, some song lyrics, or a humorous line? Captions invite interest, express the message of your post, and show off your personality. 

The best content tip for last: fan focus. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Yes, they clearly like your brand because they’re following you. But what other kinds of things do they like? If you’re a café, you don’t need to just post pictures of your coffee beans. You can post about current affairs, find some funny memes, or share insightful stats and infographics. If you’re at a loss, you can even straight up quiz your followers on their interests. 

Be Real

Sometimes brands get it wrong and try to gain attention at all costs. Using tactics like engagement bait harms your brand’s social media progress. Use the previous tip to improve content instead of twisting people into engaging with your posts. 

Another thing to avoid is buying followers. Although your numbers will look good with all the new people following your accounts, this is only a short-term solution. Bought followers don’t like or care about your brand so they won’t engage your content. What you have to say is just not valuable to them. Rather focus on making good content for the people that matter!  

Engage, too!

Social media is not a one-way street. Your followers need some attention too. Respond to comments, like people’s content, and share posts to your stories! 

Your followers want to engage with your brand. Sharing user-generated content, liking comments, and responding to your followers helps to build positive relationships with your audience. Being responsive is also just courteous and it means your followers will engage again in the future. 

Bonus: Engage with similar accounts, too! The more you engage, the more visible your brand becomes.  


If you were asking the question “what is post engagement” before reading this post, now you should have all the reasons to think about it for your brand. Make sure that you put some effort into your engagement strategy to keep your audience engaged and interested.