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What Is IGTV and How To Use It For Your Business

Person scrolling through Instagram

Over the years, Instagram has added multiple features to keep people engaged and entertained. One of the features the popular social media platform introduced is IGTV. Let’s explore exactly what is IGTV and how you can use it to engage with your audience effectively. 

What is IGTV?

IGTV is a long-form video-sharing platform that was introduced by Instagram in June 2018. It is available on the Instagram app or as an independent app you can download for Android or iOs. 

While normal feed posts have a video limit of 60 seconds and Instagram Stories are literal titbits, IGTV allows users to share videos that are up to 10 minutes long. For verified users, the limit is extended to a whole hour! 

Another difference is that you can’t record and post IGTV content on Instagram itself. This means more produced and curated content! 

Of course, the feature still doesn’t compete directly with Youtube and Vimeo’s audiences. These long-form video platforms have even longer limits respectively. Although, we don’t put it past Instagram to move into even longer videos. Just think, Instagram Reels are now a clear opposition to Snapchat and Tiktok. 

But, for now, IGTV is somewhat in a league of its own. A long-form video platform made specifically for smartphones…with vertical viewing, might we add.

IGTV Benefits: Why Use IGTV For Your Brand Or Business?

Video content plays a vital role in improving engagement and awareness on Instagram. It allows consumers to interact with and learn more about products, making it essential for brands and businesses 

The longer video style also means longer user engagement with your content. These benefits, together with the increased opportunity for influencer collaboration, can improve the visibility of your products. Including more videos in your content marketing strategy could give more value to your customers and, in turn, to your brand. 

A How-To Guide For Using IGTV

How To Find It

You can access your IGTV channel from two places. On your Instagram, click on the TV in the middle column to see all your IGTV posts. You can also go to the explore page and tap the IGTV button. This will take you to IGTV Discover where you can find channels you like!

Option number two might be easier if you like to compartmentalize your social media. Instagram introduced the IGTV app in 2018. Everything you can do on the app can be done via your Instagram as well. The app just may be a little easier to navigate and manage your IGTV posts from. We all know how Instagram loves to constantly update their app functionality. 

How To Upload A Video On IGTV

As mentioned, Instagram updates pop up on the regular. And updated features may vary by country. Either way, uploading a video to IGTV should be standard if not similar enough. Feel free to maneuver this guide according to what you see on your screen. 

To upload a video, select the (+) symbol on your profile and click on the ‘IGTV Video’ option. It will show you all the videos over 60 seconds in your device gallery. You can get to the same place by tapping on the same symbol in your IGTV Discover tab or on the IGTV app. 

Next, choose the video you want to share, and the cover or thumbnail. On the last screen before posting, you can edit the video details. Here, you can decide whether to add the video to a series, share a preview, or share on Facebook. The preview is shared to your feed and you can edit the length and feed image before posting. 

How To Create An IGTV Series

There is so much you could do with IGTV already, and Instagram decided to add a juicy cherry on top. IGTV series! 

For a brand or business, this is the perfect way to keep users watching. The series feature allows you to create a collection of videos that can be posted regularly. Users can even get notifications for the latest episodes on their favorite series! This is an excellent way to keep your audience engaged over a longer period of time.

Creating a series is simple. When you get to the details screen before posting your IGTV video, click on “Add to Series”. If you don’t have any existing series, Instagram will prompt you to create one. Type your series title and description and save. Now you can share videos to that series anytime!

How To Use IGTV For Your Brand Or Business: Best Practices

Share the right content,” said any worthwhile marketing guide ever. Don’t just post videos on your IGTV because they don’t fit on your feed. Think smart. 

Post videos that add value to your followers’ experience. For example:

If you know you can develop similar content regularly, create a series out of it. IGTV series is a fantastic way to ensure regular engagement with users. Also, make sure your content grabs attention right from the beginning and that it keeps viewers hooked! 

By doing this, you can use IGTV to drive traffic to your other online spaces. Add links in your video description. Sprinkle a couple of hashtags. Garnish with a flavourful Call-To-Action. And your IGTV you’ve got yourself a great way to engage both new and existing audiences!

Promote! It’s just a good idea to keep your social media followers informed about what’s popping for your brand. Fingers crossed, they want to follow your IGTV too. Use the Swipe Up Feature to share your new videos on your IGTV. You could also preview the video on your feed and your other marketing channels to draw attention from your existing followers.

Remember, it’s important to integrate your brand’s language, colors, logo, and tone into your channel. You want to create consistency, not confusion! So keep this in mind when posting on IGTV as well.


When you’re scheduling Instagram content or planning your marketing campaigns, videos should be at the top of your list. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start posting your videos on IGTV and engaging your followers!