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7 Benefits Of Social Media Advertising

Benefits of Social Media Advertising

Social media is an important way to promote your products and services, build brand awareness and visibility, and forge trust with your customers. And social media advertising forms a key part of a successful business strategy today. 

While we know advertising on social media can be effective in boosting awareness about your business, what other benefits can you gain from it?

We’ll look at these benefits in detail below, highlighting exactly what social media advertising can do for you.

7 Amazing Benefits Of Social Media Advertising

1. Target your specific audience

Paid social media advertising gives you the power to target specific audiences on a social media platform. 

For example, on Facebook, you can target your ads to specific user groups based on audience factors. These factors include user interests, geography, demographics, behavior, platform usage, and more.

You can take this even further with target sub-factors. If, for example, you want to target people based on location, you can adjust the location targeting. This means you can include not just the people who live in that place but people who frequent the place, who visit it, who are currently traveling there, and more.

Using social media ads helps you reach more of your potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

2. Gives you customer insight

The whole vibe of social media is that SM channels are spaces for engagement and, well, socializing. It’s not just about targeting customers or making conversions. Users interact with each others’ content and pages. They like, share, DM, and so much more.

This makes social media a very two-sided platform, perfect for engaging with your customers. You get to learn and engage with their content and they get to do the same with yours.

Through this social nature of social media, you can learn more about your customers and their interests. You can follow trends in your audience and learn more about how to meet customer needs.

If we take this a step further, ads also give you insights and data based on how users interact with your ads. You can see which user groups converted or visited your page after seeing the ads. This can guide you on which users to retarget or prioritize for future campaigns.

3. Helps decrease marketing costs

Of course, social media ads aren’t free. You’ve got to spend a little! But unlike some traditional marketing forms like print advertising, the targeted nature of social media ads mean that while you have to spend a little money, you know you’re reaching the right people.

Accurately targeted ads mean only the most relevant audience will see your ads. So you know the money you spend will get you the results you need. 

This can help you improve your advertising strategy by focusing on targeted social media ads rather than spending on more general and less effective marketing tools. 

4. Drives impactful traffic

As people encounter your brand through these social media ads, it’s likely to increase their traffic to your digital and physical spaces. 

Social media advertising can drive traffic to your digital platforms like your website. What you know for sure, due to the ability to target your advertising, is that these will be quality website visits that could lead to conversions.

Not only does this translate to digital activity, but the ads can help boost foot traffic if you have a physical store. Often, businesses make the mistake of monitoring the success of social media ad campaigns only through digital traffic. 

However, increased foot traffic can also be a good representation of social media advertising success. Customers or store visitors may see an ad online and decide to visit your store, either to see your catalog in-person or feel the product they want to buy. 

To measure this physical impact, you can conduct post-visit surveys or ask new store visitors where they learned about your business.

5. Boosts conversions and profits

We’ve touched on this here and there already as it is a super important benefit of using social media advertising. Business is all about the bottom line, after all!

Targeted advertising, increased customer insights and traffic, and boosted brand visibility and awareness can lead to more sales. The users impacted by your ads can quickly become customers as they visit your website or store or even make purchases through social media features like Instagram Shopping.

6. Improves brand visibility and awareness

Social media advertising can do wonders for your brand impact. Firstly, you can increase brand visibility as you use social media to share your content. The presence of your business or brand’s content across platforms makes it more visible to online users.

You can even use social media to improve the visibility of the content on other digital channels. For example, you can promote new blog content through ads, driving users to view your blog.

This visibility contributes to increased brand awareness. You can reach potential customers or just boost the number of people that know of your brand. 

With targeted advertising, platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow you to expose your brand to users who do not follow you. You get access to users within your desired demographics that may later become buyers.

Finally, social media ads can enhance your social media presence. When other users see your ads, they become aware of your social media account and may visit to see your content. This may lead to new followers, increase your reach and impressions, and enhance your content engagement. These are all important factors for increased social media brand awareness.

7. Builds brand trust and familiarity

An important part of branding is building trust and familiarity, as well as brand recall. You want people to become familiar with your brand in such a way that your products and services become their first choice.

You want your social media ads to have a lasting effect on your audience. Your campaign is not just about conversions but about sharing your brand narrative and vision. An effective social media ad will remain memorable and create long-lasting connections. 

That way, even if people don’t convert immediately, they still have your brand in mind for future purchases.

Another way to approach social media advertising is through influencer collaborations. By working with influencers, you benefit from the trust and familiarity their followers and fans have in them. The influencer essentially vouches for your brand – giving you a second-hand trust of sorts.

Final Thoughts

Social media advertising has a lot of benefits for brands and businesses. It can take your brand building to the next level and transform how you make conversions and sales. 

Through social media, you can enhance brand awareness, visibility, and trust. There’s so much to gain and you don’t even have to break your budget! Combine your awesome content with a little paid advertising and you’ll be driving both organic and paid traffic to your business.