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Instagram Metrics and Analytics Tools to keep an eye on in 2019

Instagram Metrics

Instagram Metrics

Social media success is half creativity half clear-cut numbers. So, while crafting ingenious content is key, checking out Instagram metrics is just as important. Only by balancing these two components you’ll manage to make 2019 your best Instagram year yet and boost your ROI.

In this article, we’re going to share the top metrics you should follow in order to improve the way your Instagram account performs. And, because we believe in smart work, we’re also going to give you a few ideas about what analytics tools can help you get there faster. Sure, the guide rules haven’t changed that much, but with the introduction of new Instagram features and the release of new tools, you could definitely benefit from updating your knowledge on the matter.

Engagement rates go a long way

It’s hard to choose the most important Instagram Metric for 2019, even if we have come a long way in understanding the workings of Instagram’s algorithm. Truth is, all analytics are important and each metric can shed some precious light on what strategies you can entail to boost your ROI. Thus, when planning your strategy, make sure to consider all the analytics and stats you have at hand. However, we must admit that we have a slight crush for one specific metric: the engagement rate. Here’s why:

The engagement rate is an easy way to establish what type of content works best and makes your audience tick. Of course, this is not something that will be apparent from the get-go, but it will require a bit of observation spirit from your side. We suggest you keep a close eye on your engagement rates and review them monthly to notice which type of content attracts the most reactions. To calculate the engagement rate for each post, add your likes and comments and divide the result by your follower count. This will give you a percentage that will enable you to identify the content themes that are the most appealing to your followers.

Once you know the themes that work best you can create similar posts to ensure the same high engagement rates and keep them up. However, don’t get stuck and don’t get boring. Repeat what works, but also make time to test new types of posts and themes each month. Dare to fail and you will win. This will gain you even more exposure and more engagement and hence, more ROI for a prosperous 2019.

The best time to (schedule) posts is now

In addition to using engagement rates to create more content to the liking of your followers, you can also turn to the ‘best time to post’ metrics. Combine these two and you’ll create a mix that will do wonders for your ROI in 2019.

While debates on the subject still heat up Instagram aficionados (as they can’t seem to make up their minds on what’s what) there are some general guidelines you can follow when establishing the best time to post. We’ve actually written quite a lot on the subject of the ‘best time to post and we’ve also had our say on the matter with proprietary research.

Best time to post on Instagram is now

Various studies suggest that Monday and Thursday are the days with the best engagement rates, while the best time slot appears to be from 4:00 to 6:00 GMT. However, times might differ for each account and especially for each industry. Make sure to calculate your best time to post and don’t rely on generic specifications (too much). Do it manually or let Preppr help you. Preppr’s ‘Best Time to Post’ feature gathers engagement data and specifically calculates your custom best 3 times to post. Another tool that can help you figure out when’s the best time to post according to your industry is Riolty Social Media.

Get creative with metrics and Instagram Stories’ polls

The most important metrics in 2019 might turn out to be not-your-usual suspects. In fact, the most important metrics of 2019 might not even be analytics to begin with. Truth is that with a bit of imagination, you could turn any Instagram feature (okay, almost any) into a valuable measurement tool.

One such feature is the Instagram Stories poll feature. Introduced not long ago, the poll feature is a sticker you can add to any story to get answers from your followers. Of course, these answers can translate into important statistics that can help you further to improve your ROI, gain more engagement and be more awesome at Instagramming.

Metrics and Instagram Stories’ polls

With the Instagram Stories poll feature you have the opportunity to gather real consumer insights and valuable feedback in a fun way. Unlike classical metrics, Stories’ polls can become a creative way to uncover consumer truths you couldn’t otherwise know. Polls can give you an honest perspective and you should definitely take it into account. For example, bloggers use Instagram Stories’ poll a lot to discover what type of content their users want to see more of (and not only this, of course).

Don’t forget about your click-through-rates

If you strip it all down, all your Instagram efforts culminate in one direction: send followers to your website and have them purchase your service or product. Everybody agrees on this. However, few people actually follow the click-through-rates they have on Instagram. And we’re talking specifically about your ‘link in bio’. Some overlook this important statistic because Instagram itself offers no insights or analytics on this. But there are a few other ingenious ways in which you can find out the numbers. And you definitely should!

One way to dig into insights from your bio link CTC is to use a third-party app that allows you to include multiple links into one. This kind of bundling is not only useful when it comes to diversity, but also to gather insights. Preppr has a cool feature that allows you to bundle more links to your ‘link in bio’ which you can then analyse either through Google Analytics or other preferred tools. Speaking about this, you can check out our in-depth article about how to use Google Analytics for Instagram.

Instagram link in bio

Use all the help you can get

Keeping track of metrics and deciphering analytics can end up being quite a hassle. But don’t you worry! Just like Preppr is here for you when you need a scheduling helping hand, there are also a bunch of useful tools to aid you in making the most of all metrics. Discover the best of them by checking out our ‘Top Instagram Analytics Tools to Grow your Account’ article.