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The Omnichannel Marketing Guide (+3 Steps for Implementation)

You can use omnichannel marketing to assist your business by making it easier to give customers an integrated experience. While omnichannel marketing provides multiple features for businesses, you may not know where to start, so we created this guide to help you out. It will give you three implementation steps along with five practical tactics to get you started.

1.   Identify Your Buyer Persona

Buyer personas make up the identity of your customers and what they expect out of your business. It allows you to put yourself in their shoes so that you can understand what they want from you. For example, some buyer personas might prefer text messages, so you should use an SMS marketing tool.

You can ask yourself questions like these to identify the buyer personas of your customers.

As you identify your customers’ needs, you can tailor your omnichannel marketing to their needs.

2.   Choose Communication Channels

Omnichannel marketing allows you to use multiple channels to give your customers an integrated experience. This means that you can use channels like email, websites, social media, and text messages to communicate with your customers. But which channels should you pick?


Email nearly doubles all other categories when it comes to return on investment (ROI) when you compare the statistics in this image. This means that you should definitely incorporate email into your omnichannel marketing strategy. As for the other channels, you should determine which ones to add based on your customers’ needs.

For example, if your customers use Facebook, then you should create a Facebook page so that you can update customers about your business. If your customers forget their appointments, then you should use SMS marketing to send them reminders. In short, pick the channels that will benefit your business while giving customers a more integrated experience.

3.   Find Omnichannel Marketing Software

Omnichannel marketing involves many channels while keeping them unified. Because of this, your business may find it difficult to maintain an omnichannel marketing strategy alone, so you should take advantage of automated software to help you out. Automated software can handle many aspects of your omnichannel marketing to save you time, effort, and money.

Automated marketing software can handle different parts of your marketing strategy to make the process easier for you. This gives you more time to focus on other parts of your business. Make sure to find an omnichannel marketing software that covers your needs by looking for different options and finding one with features that you like.

4.   Five Practical Tactics

Along with the three steps for implementation, we also have five practical tactics that you can use to improve your omnichannel marketing strategy.

A.   Cross-Promote

If you don’t get customers to use your different channels, then you won’t maximize your marketing strategy. Make sure that you remind subscribers and followers about your other channels through cross-promotion. You can try different approaches to keep customers informed.

Make sure to get creative when you cross-promote your channels to draw in more people.

B.   Personalize Messages

Whenever you send messages to people, you need to make sure to personalize them. While it may seem insignificant, you can improve your metrics as you add names to emails, send out specialized deals, and implement other personalization strategies.


As you can see here, you will boost your open rate by 50% when you add personalized subject lines to your emails. Make sure to look for other ways to personalize messages on your channels so that you can demonstrate to your customers that you know them and care about them.

C.  Segment and Target Messages

When you use automated marketing software, you can easily segment and target your messages. The software can collect data about your customers and organize it based around different metrics and demographics. You can then segment your subscribers into different groups and send them targeted messages. Even for transactional emails, try to add personalization.

This means that they receive messages that apply to them, which boosts the odds of them converting into customers. As you take advantage of segmented and targeted messages, you can improve your relationships with followers and subscribers so that they become customers.

D.  Send Welcome Emails

This may surprise some people, but welcome emails can improve your omnichannel marketing. Welcome emails work as a way to send your new subscribers information about your company while getting them involved with your other channels.


Almost 17-out-of-20 people open welcome emails and over one-fourth of them click on links in those emails. This means that welcome emails work as the perfect opportunity to get your subscribers to visit your other channels. Make sure to include links to any of the channels that you want your subscribers to visit. Follow-up emails should be also part of your strategy.

E.   Create Workflows

You can also create workflows to optimize your omnichannel marketing. Workflows allow your automated software to perform specific actions based on what your customers do. For example, your software could send a social media message to everyone that doesn’t return to their carts within 24-hours.

By using workflows, you can automatically send important messages based on the needs of customers. From appointment reminders to special offers, you can keep all of your customers informed through the workflows that you create.

5.   Conclusion

Even though omnichannel marketing strategies can help businesses to increase their profits, some may not know where to start. By applying this guide to your business, you can properly prepare an omnichannel marketing strategy while applying tactics to improve it. As you take advantage of this guide, you will make the most out of your omnichannel market