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Instagram captions you wish you’d have written yourself

Instagram captions you wish you’d have written yourself

Instagram captions you wish you’d have written yourself

It’s that old story all over again – the ‘I wish I’d have thought of that’ story, only that this time it’s related to your feed and Instagram captions. Whether you’re trying to craft Instagram captions for your personal account or, even more pressing, you’re a social media manager trying to come up with fresh ideas, we’re here to help you.

And we’ve got the experience. Our history of dealing with artful Instagram captions goes a long way back. In fact, we’ve written an extensive piece on how to craft awesome Instagram captions and you should definitely check that one out in order to learn some valuable tips and tricks. However, if you’re in one of those moments when you feel creatively drain, or you simply want to mix things up, this article is going to give you some straight up captions. Use them if you like but don’t forget to give credits to whom credits are due. Remember, you might wish to have written these captions yourself, bu…uhm, you haven’t.

Instagram captions inspiration from songs

Ah, lyrics! There are some we simply can’t get out of our head, while there are others we just can’t understand (work, work, work, work, what, Rihanna?). However, lyrics are absolutely perfect for completing the story of your posts and have the potential to become awesome Instagram captions. Actually, there are very few posts that lyrics can’t save. Don’t believe us? Here, we can absolutely prove it:

Instagram captions you wish you’d have written yourself

“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder.” — Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”
Great for travel influencers or for social media managers dealing with tourism services, Lee Ann Womack’s lyrics are perfect for this day and age. Can you see these lyrics with a post depicting a remote sunrise in Hawaii? We definitely can.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon, “Imagine”
You can never, ever go wrong with John Lennon. While we believe these lyrics to be best used for CSR campaigns, they could very well work for other products or services that aim to create inspirational content.  

“Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream.” —Taylor Swift, “Blank Space”
Clothing brands all over Instagram, listen to Taylor when she’s singing loud and proud. These lyrics say ‘woman power all the way’ and transmit a warrior attitude that’s so well expressed that it will immediately infuse any clothing product you want to promote with coolness.

“Fieri, I’m in the kitchen. I’m a magician.” —Drake, “6 Man”
Drake has a lot of swag and he can bring it to the table whenever, wherever (pun intended). If you’re handling a food-related brand, getting inspiration from lyrics can turn utterly delicious. What’s more, lyrics can make your Instagram captions an unexpected treat. Go for it!

Instagram captions inspiration from movies

If we were to ask you to recite famous movie quotes, we bet you could think of at least a dozen. Movies are such a staple in our culture, that they can touch us far beyond their entertainment purposes. So, why not leverage their power and turn famous movie quotes into Instagram captions? Or at least use them to wrap a longer Instagram caption around their meaning.

Instagram captions you wish you’d have written yourself

“This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” – Casablanca
One of the all-time most famous movie quotes, this one can work for almost any brand you manage on Instagram. In fact, you can think of it as a perfect description of the relationship you want your followers to form with your product/service.

‘This will not turn out the way you think.’ — Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
There’s not a living soul that hasn’t heard of Star Wars. Small, big, old, young, we all know Luke Skywalker. This line, which he delivered in The Last Jedi, is perfect for teaser campaigns or posts that promise an unexpected turn.

‘I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.’– Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), “Wonder Woman”
This one can be used for a variety of Instagram accounts, but we feel that it would work wonders for NGOs or the CSR campaigns your brand gets involved in. It also brings the cool touch of Wonder Woman so what more could we ask for?

Instagram captions inspiration from real accounts

Getting inspiration for your Instagram captions (and that feeling of ‘I wish I’d written that myself’) can come directly from the other accounts you are following. One of the best ways to improve your captions writing techniques is by analyzing those accounts that are killing it in this area. And there are a ton of brands that do Instagram extremely well. By reading and breaking apart their captions, you can get inspired, but you can also learn the deal of well-pointed hashtags and call to actions that hit the target. We’ve selected a few of our favorites, but there are countless others that you can learn from. Actually, we’re eager to hear from you who your Instagram captions idols are.

Brief and punny Instagram captions from @diesel
Diesel has some out-of-the-ordinary and out-of-this-world campaigns that go against the status quo while also encouraging consumers to ‘be followers’ (just check their latest campaign called just like that: ‘be a follower’).

To keep up with its edgy image, diesel also crafts edgy Instagram captions that you wish you’d have written yourself. Punchy and almost always short, the Instagram captions written by the creative brains at Diesel put a twist on all their posts.

Highly informative Instagram captions from @paulaschoice
While the Instagram captions from Paula’s Choice are definitely not as quotable as those of Diesel, one thing is certain – they are definitely full of juicy info. The cosmetics brand knows how to create detailed Instagram captions that do their products justice and flaunt their biggest benefits. And, since we’re talking about skin care products, consumers are thirsty for knowledge.

If you follow Paula’s Choice Instagram captions you can get valuable insights on how to condense a lot of into readable bits. You’ll also find out how to play the hashtag game in order to win a bigger exposure. As, as a plus, you’ll also find out how to create great testimonial captions. Great study material.

Instagram captions with engaging stories from @adrienelouise
Yoga is gaining more and more momentum as a holistic body-mind-soul ritual. And, in the world of online yoga, there’s no one bigger than Adriene. If you’ve ever done yoga, you probably know her. Now, why should you envy her Instagram captions and aim to write similar ones? Because Adriene’s Instagram captions have an authentic flow, just like her yoga practices. She always builds stories in her captions and centres them around the yoga community she has built. And it’s quite a big community, that’s for sure.

If you take the time to breakdown Adriene’s Instagram captions you’ll have a better chance at mastering the skill of creating engaging narratives on Instagram. And, as a bonus, you’ll also find out some zen in your busiest moments.

Now go write those ‘wish I’d have written them’ captions yourself!

Need we say more? We’ve offered you some inspiring examples and we hope that you’re running with ideas as we speak! But enough talk. Get to writing Instagram captions others will envy. And, if you end up with a pile of great captions and posts, don’t forget you can schedule them with Preppr. Happy writing!

PS Don’t try to get your head around finding the best time to post on Instagram. We have figured this out for you.