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Pin Your Posts On Facebook To Boost Your Visibility

How to pin a post on Facebook

There’s a strategy you might be overlooking in your quest for social media greatness. A simple tool that can affect your engagement, your visibility, your reach, and the effectiveness of your social media as a business strategy. What is this tool you may ask? Well, we’re sure the title gave it away: a Facebook pin. 

Let’s learn what it is, why people use it, and how to pin a post on Facebook to boost your visibility. 

What Is A Pinned Post? And Why Pin A Post On Facebook?

A pinned post is like a note tacked to a bulletin board. It’s a status update saved to the top of your page so it’s the first thing page visitors see and it doesn’t join older posts below the fold. 

Considering the amount of information that accounts constantly post to their profiles, it can get difficult for your followers to find the most important information you need them to know. This is the value of pinning your posts. 

You can use them to: 

Unfortunately, you can only have one pinned post at a time and it will remain pinned for 7 days. Another downside, the feature isn’t available on personal Facebook accounts, only Pages, and Groups

How To Pin A Post On Facebook

If you’re looking to improve the performance of your brand or business page, here’s how to pin a post on Facebook.

How To Pin A Post On Facebook Pages

  1. Login via your app or web platform. 
  2. Navigate to the page with the post you wish to pin (P.S. Only page administrators can do this.)
  3. Find the content you want to save.
  4. Once there, click on the three dots or drop-down menu for options to apply to the post. 
  5. Choose “Pin to top of page”. The post should move to the top of the page with a pushpin on it. 
  6. If you want to unpin the post later on, select the drop-down menu and select “Unpin from top of page.”

How To Pin A Post On Facebook Groups

You’ve seen how to pin a post on Facebook pages, but the process is slightly different for how to pin a post on Facebook groups. The post also looks a little different from the Pages posts as it uses the Facebook announcements feature, which is exclusive to groups. Facebook allows groups to have up to 10 announcements but only one pinned announcement. 

Here’s how to create a Group announcement: 

  1. Log in to your Facebook and open the group you want to use for the announcement. You need to be the group moderator to do this. 
  2. Go to the post you want to announce. If you want to use a completely new post, then you’ll have to create it first. 
  3. Once you’re looking at the right post, click on the three-dot menu.
  4. Select “Mark as announcement.”
  5. If you want to remove the announcement later on, open the three-dot menu and select “Remove announcement.”

How to pin a post-announcement on Facebook:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu. 
  2. Choose “Pin to top.”
  3. If you want to unpin, select “Unpin to top.”

Plus, announcements have an even extra feature: notifications! Every time you post an announcement, your group members get a notification. So, whether they’re scrolling through their feed or not even using Facebook, they’ll know what’s happening in the group. 

Tips On Pinning Posts To Boost Your Metrics

Welcome your visitors

A pinned post is a great place to put content that you might want your new visitors to see. It could be a video telling them all about your business or an image as a welcome sign. Using a welcoming pinned post could make people feel at home and open to engaging with more of your content. 

Group/page rules & guidelines

Another welcoming option is to pin the group rules and guidelines. This will advise new members on what’s acceptable in your virtual space and what isn’t. Doing this is a great way to moderate your group and ensure that everyone knows how to interact within that space. 

Offer discounts/ something valuable

Everybody loves a good deal and so do your loyal customers! Post your latest product discounts or contests on your pinned post and make sharing the post one of the requirements to enter. It’s a win-win situation: they get a deal and you expand your reach to their followers too. 

Pinning this type of post will ensure the details of your amazing offer are easy to find and access.

Use visuals

Images and videos get the best engagement on Facebook so using one in your pinned post may increase the post engagement. 

Announce upcoming events

You can create a Facebook Event for people to sign up. Announce it on your group or page so more of your followers are aware of it. Don’t forget cool visuals to entice the crowd you want!

Pin your blog posts

Whether you want to direct people to your brand new blog post or cycle through some older ones, pinning them is an excellent way to do so. 

Use your Insights

Monitoring your analytics is always a must! Facebook Insights can tell you when followers are frequently online, their preferred content, and which posts your audience engaged with the most. You can use these insights to help you determine which posts you should pin to boost engagement.

Start Pinning!

It’s up to you to decide what is most important for your page, your audience, and your social media plan. You know best which tips your audience would respond to best and which ones fit your social media goals. 

Our suggestion is to make the most of this feature as pinned posts can highlight the content you think matters most and start pinning!